Monday, January 4, 2010

New Years, Jailbreaking, and Class Registration

Its a new year, and while I'm too lazy to come up with some resolutions, I am not too lazy to write a new post.  I spent new years at my friend Lindsay's house and had an overall good time.  I've also jailbroken my iPhone for the 4th time since I've owned it.  I used Blackra1n this time.  All I have to say is, good God has jailbreaking come a long way since I first did it almost two years ago.  Wow! Only one click and I was done!  But as of right now, I am really only enjoying the benefits of SBSettings:

I would use a theme in the Winterboard, but it just makes my phone so slow, and I am not a patient person. :)

And today, I had to register for the rest of my classes, and I did so by making my really nifty schedule calendar.  I was pretty proud of my organizational skills. Haha.

Oh God I need a life....

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